Topic of today's discussion: New Year's Resolutions-- or the breaking of them.
So here we go, my resolution to make 2009 the year of progress:
Stop watching so many bad VH1 reality shows a la Rock of Love and I Love Money (Yay for a second season!)
Reason for this Resolution: Isn't it obvious? They're not good programming. They're mindless and I have a feeling they may have a negative impact on my intellect. Also they're terrible time wasters as they're always on repeat during the day

and aid in my horrible habit of procrastination.
Resistance: They're amazin
gly entertaining. Althou
gh they may have bad effects on my own intelligence, these shows and the antics of the poor people with such pathos really do entertain me. I find them hilariou
s. I didn't watch Real Chance of Love to see women throwing themselves at two reality show veterans. No, I watched to see how low the American population can be (or how ADORABLE they can be in the case of Corn Fed!). Also there was something exciting about tuning in to find out how Real would wear his hair: straight or curly locks-- or BRAIDED PIGTAILS?!?
Resolution Revised: I must limit the amount I watch these shows, but I do not have to cut them out of my life entirely. Also, I must engage in something that is productive for my mind-- attending class not included. I'll read another newspaper online
or read one of the recommended articles that my professors post to Blackboard but do not require (does anyone read those?).
Obviously there are other resolutions, relating to academics, weight loss and relationships, but this one is the biggest one for me.
While keeping your resolutions, I hope that the whole idea is to make yourself a better person, not to torture yourself. So maybe you might want to consider revising that resolution to make your life still enjoyable but more improved at the same time. You'll find that it's a lot easier to handle and perhaps we won't forget by February 1st that any of us had ever made any resolutions.
So what are these resolutions that you've made? Are you sticking with them? Have you, like me, revised them to make them easier but more achievable? Or do you think I'm a crock who just gave up on her resolution too? Let me know in the comments.
TIll I think of another topic to discuss. . .