Thursday, January 31, 2008


It's the end of the day. Ha, I'm not kidding anyone! The day has barely begun, but my energy level is certainly suffering. I'm sitting in Newhouse III, looking at the style book and the flyer that I should probably be going throI don't think I'm a big fan of where I'm sitting.. I've sat at this table before and I always feel like I'm cold. No matter what, it's a little too chilly for my likingugh, giving me an extra edge. But I'm not. I'm ranting in my blog because I'm tired and don't want to focus on what I HAVE to get done. There's a, for the most part empty, starbucks cup that only seemed to give me a sugar headache rather than the energy I needed.
I'm sitting at a table where I can see cars and walkers ass by the school on Waverly Street and can just make out people going up and down Marshall Street with what I can only assume is a cup of Starbucks coffee.
I'm busy today. I don't know if that's exactly true, but it certainly feels as though I have a lot to do. Maybe I'm not looking forward to the fact that I won't be back on South Campus (:home:) 9. And I still want to work out tonight. Meaning I won't have a chance to rest until 10 or 11. That's probably why I'm not sitting in Heroy trying to pretend like I'm actually learning anything in my Math class. So right now I have an hour to kill while I wait for Spanish class.
Mreh, I should have brought my book with me. I started to read The Other Boelyn Girl again last night and it was good! I had started to read it and have been reading a page or two whenever I get the chance....meaning I have not read pretty much at all. SO last night I had sometime and decided to read for 2 hours. It was good and I got quite a bit read. I can't wait until the movie comes out. First of all, I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Scarlett Johannson. Second of all, I think it would be really interesting to see how she and Natalie Portman work together. I'm still bewildered that Scarlett plays a submissive docile role to Natalie's dominant headstrong role. I think Lara and I are going to go see it when it comes out seeing as she's read the book. It doesn't look like ti's going to be very good as far as being an adaptation, but that doesn't mean that it can't be a good movie.
I'm not really a fan of the table where I am. I seem to sit at this exact table a lot, but I always wind up feeling cold. There's something about it's location that just makes it drafty. I guess I could put a coat on, but ih. haha
I'm going through Kelina's iTunes right now because I pretty much have nothing else to do. Sad, right? Oh well. Actually I'm listening to a bunch of songs that se apparently has never listened to on her. Which feels kinda weird. I think I'm the only person in the world that would feel weird about that. But I feel as though I shouldn't listen to something on someone else's computer that they haven't listened to yet. Yeah, I know, I'm really retarded.
So I'm looking at this building that is either right on Marshall Street or right by it, and I'm looking at the to of it and I really want to have an apartment there. Is that weird too? Wanting to have a an apartment in a place that might not have apartments. Well, luckily for me, it looks like an apartment buildin. But I mean I guess the building in general looks nice. But I think I would just want to live at the top. I don't really know how to describe it, but it's looks really cool with little alcoves where the windows are. It's pretty. Probably really expensive seeing as it looks like it would be ridiculously huge. And it would be a pain in the ass to have to walk up what looks like 5 flights stairs. Maybe it has an elevator. And maybe, just maybe, I'll get off campus housing one year and I'll look into that building. It's got a pretty awesome location--right on Marshall Street, no more than 100 yards or so from the doors to Newhouse III with ample parking for it's tenants. Yeah, definitely wicked expensive. Well, maybe I'll find 4 people to share an apartment with so we can split the cost nicely.
Ah, 1/2 hour until Spanish.
Ugh, except last night didn't end nicely in my opinion. We started talking about the lives of people who are poorer than we are. Okay, fine. But those conversations go in the same direction. It becomes a competition for everyone--let's see who's the best humanitarian. "We just don't understand." "They have it so rough." "We're so spoiled." I feel like these are bold-faced lies not becuase of what they're saying--because it's all true-- but because they're still blind. Yes, we already know that we just don't understand the conditions in which these people must live. Yes, they do have it rough when they cannot afford food and clothing for themselves and their families. But more than that, the "We're so spoiled" is what bothers me. It's one thing to say it. That doesn't make you a noble. Because I'm sure that as soon as those students left that classroom, they pulled out their iPod or comparable mp3 player and/or cell phone without a second thought. The idea that anyone could not own an iPod or a computer with which to put music on the iPod is foreign. But why should it? Is an iPod really all that necessary? I mean, those people carry on happily enough without those earbuds bursting music that destroys both our hearing and our social connections. We are spoiled, but it goes beyond what people even realize. We're spoiled with the idea that what we have is necessary to have a good life.
I don't know what I would prefer. And for anyone that does actually read this, I'm not saying that people should give up these things. I know I wouldn't want to. I love my iPod. I LOVE my cell phone. But don't tell me that people around the world have it so bad and that we're so spoiled while you're texting someone. It'll rub me the wrong way.

I know that might not have made sense. It doesn't make that much sense to me just yet either. All I know is that I'm tired of talking about poverty. I'd rather go to Appalachia again or even go to another country and DO something for these people that we're talking about. I love doing that and I miss it.
Anyway this is all for now.

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