So I distinctly remember being disappointed by my first ever college spring break experience. I wanted warmth. I wanted sunshine. Instead, I was cold and it was rainy in New Jersey. But it seems as though my parents are making up for this sub-par experience by taking me to the Caribbean this summer. That's right. I will be leaving this wind tunnel on the 7th of May and getting on a direct flight to paradise on the 11th.
This is one of the pictures from the resort where I'll be staying-- La Casa del Mar. It's an all inclusive resort where I will spend my days on the beach or next to the infinity pool reading a book (of my choosing) and sipping margaritas and daquiris-- the drinking age is 18, and my mom has already agreed that I will be allowed to drink.
Not too shabby, eh?
Well before I get to spend a glorious week in the gorgeous Caribbean, I have to get through this semester. I feel rather unmotivated to do my work. I feel even less motivated to write for student publications.
I've written several articles for the Daily Orange. I haven't been very happy with 2 of them--my first story and my last story, but what really doesn't help is this one nagging pain-in-the-ass who's this terribly critical and terribly condescending person.
I feel as though I don't even want to write for Daily Orange because I don't want to go in there where I know my story will get ripped apart. Such harsh criticism with absolutely no hint that your work is even a little satisfactory kills creativity. Meaning--my creativity is hanging on for dear life right now.
My allergies are bugging me. I was at the gym yesterday and my sinuses were hurting and my throat is sore--it doesn't help to be around people who seem to think chain smoking is a varsity sport--I am particularly efficient in finding the people who are going for the championship.
I've decided that I will start talking to people from home more. I'm tired of not being in contact with those people. I do miss them and can't wait to see them and hear about their exciting years.
I guess the truth is that I'm very terrible at keeping in touch with people. If you're not around me and I'm not in constant contact with you, I feel as though you have other more important things going on-- people to see, things to do, you know, other stuff.
But I'm going to make an effort in getting in touch again.
I think I'll feel a little less isolated this summer by doing this too.
Anyway, I have a test in an hour and since buses are obnoxious and such, I better get a move on.
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