It's evident that artist Sean Delonas is suffering. The New York Post cartoonist has been receiving flack for a while now, and yet he thinks that he can still make reprehensible drawings that will entertain the viewers.
Today's Post included a pathetic attempt to send the country back into raging racism. Depicting President Obama as a monkey is racist and in poor taste. Delonas needs to grow up and join the more civilized society that has formed around, and obviously without, him.
But what I find really strange is that the Post would actually print such a cartoon. Is there no one to check the cartoons for their appropriateness? It scares me that someone or even several people looked at that cartoon and thought that it would be a good idea to publish it. There have been several instances of this happening with Delonas cartoons, but this seems to be the clearest cut form of persecutory discrimination, that and the stupid cartoon relating same-sex relationships to bestiality (obviously, Delonas and I can never be friends). So what does that say about the higher ups at the New York Post? So in a sense, it can't be totally Delonas's fault--though I would love to blame him and only him. What I've realized is that this means that Delonas isn't the only pathetic bigots with the power to share their opinions on a mass level.
I realize that political cartoons are supposed to be provocative, and they can't always reflect everyone's feelings, but this is going too far. Delonas has taken provocative and made it offensive and ignorant. I hope the Post has learned its lesson and chooses to NOT use any more drawings by this man.
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