Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Spring Break Vent

Drinking on the beach getting a fabulous tan and doing some hardcore partying at night.
Okay, so this has never been exactly my idea of a great spring break. I don't tan, burn, and partying would be painful as hell.
That said, I would love to be somewhere WARM for the break. I'm shivering in my house even under blankets. BRR
I'd also like to be somwhere with my friends and not with my parents. They're on my back about a lot of things. I had been looking forward to relaxing during this week off while getting things done but NO. She has to ruin this, doesn't she?
But I guess that's my life.
Or wait, it's not.
Because if it were my own life, I'd have at least a LITTLE bit of say about what I do everyday, but no, it seems like I have to make sure that what I want to do with my time is okay with everyone else. I'm sick of it.
Oh and guess what! You don't have to be in contact with me 5 times a day. It's just UNNECESSARY! You're not my best friend-- by any stretch of the imagination. So just leave me alone. You're not someone I consider worth my time.

Yeah I needed to rant.
I'm beginning to see that this summer is going to suck. Hopefully I'll be working a lot of nights so that I don't have to deal with her as much.

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