Sunday, November 11, 2007

Thank God for Small Miracles

In the words of myself from a several weeks ago:
I don't understand why it happened, how it happened, or why it was me. All I know is that for some reason an angel guided me to where I had to be.
It's kind of rough to find God in college. I felt His power stronger than I have for months, and I am so thankful.
Let me start with Saturday night:
It all began with a little fun and celebration. But after a while I started feeling ill, and I felt the need to leave. Just minutes later, my friends got into trouble while I stayed in the bathroom, shaking from my heart rate, on the phone with Gabriel.
I felt relieved and guilty at the same time. I wish my friends didn't have to get in trouble, and I feel guilty that I got away with it but at the same time I didn't try to get them in trouble and I wouldn't want them to get in trouble had the situation been reversed.
Then yesterday I finally just told my mom what I was thinking: "STOP." Well, in a way. I told her that it was really none of her business how I choose to act out my faith. Spirituality is NOT defined by how many times per month you go to church or how many people I tell that I'm Catholic. My relationship with God is MY relationship with God. I don't have to answer to anyone about it because I feel good about it.
I'm tired of my mother trying to control every part of my life. Her opinion is worth very little most of the times, and she's just pushing me away by doing this to me. She needs to realize that she's dumb and by being condescending, manipulating, and forceful like she is, she's only infuriating me more. Maybe one day she'll realize that she should have listened to me when I tried to tell her things rather than writing me off as stupid or mean. In her eyes I meant nothing and anytime I would try to tell her to lay off or let me live my own life, she would get mad or "hurt," guilting me in to submission.
She's not going to do that anymore.
She has to realize that she can't just rule my life. She needs to let go. She's needed to let go since I was five. She no longer has any power over me.
I'm going to do what I want. I will go where I want. She will have no say. I don't care that she doesn't trust me (even though she insists that she does). It's time for me to grow up.
It's a miracle that I've finally realized this.

1 comment:

askin said...

Hello Carolyn !
I am the author of "SMALL MIRACLES"
ISBN 1598001000 (Outskirts Press)
and am subscribed to the google-alert "Small Miracles". This is how I came across your blog.
I like your writing, describing your having become an "adult" psychologically.
Mothers, with their love on one side, wishing the best for their children and respect, on the other side, for their children's growth and individuality, have indeed a hard time watching this sensitive
border line. I am sure you will run into the same difficulty when you arrive at the same stage in your life.
I experienced the same problem
with my father which I described in one chapter in my book.
The book has thirty true stories of small and big stunning miracles in my life in many countries, including three incidents in Boston. Have a look at it.
Available at any internet bookshop.
Its review is on the
The web page is:
It was sent to His Holiness The Pope Benedictus XVI and was well received. It was on many TV programs and in many papers.
Good luck with your studies.

Askin Ozcan